
is a company that offers real World-Class Penetration Testing Services.


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Numbers of data: ~107 millions

Exploit Database

Numbers of exploit: 49873

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ID Exploit name Type Platform Author Date
50439 ExpressVPN VPN Router 1.0 - Router Login Panel˙s Integer Overflow webapps Multiple Jai Kumar Sharma 2021-04-13
50438 Blitar Tourism 1.0 - Authentication Bypass SQLi webapps Multiple sigeri94 2021-04-13
50437 Simple Student Information System 1.0 - SQL Injection (Authentication Bypass) webapps PHP GaluhID 2021-04-13
50436 vsftpd 2.3.4 - Backdoor Command Execution remote Unix HerculesRD 2021-04-12
50434 PrestaShop - ˙location˙ Blind Sql Injection webapps PHP Vanshal Gaur 2021-04-09
50432 Composr 10.0.36 - Remote Code Execution webapps PHP Orion Hridoy 2021-04-08
50430 CMSimple 5.2 - ˙External˙ Stored XSS webapps PHP Quadron Research Lab 2021-04-08
50433 Linux Kernel 5.4 - ˙BleedingTooth˙ Bluetooth Zero-Click Remote Code Execution remote Linux Google Security Research 2021-04-08
50431 DMA Radius Manager 4.4.0 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) webapps Multiple Issac Briones 2021-04-08
50427 Atlassian Jira Service Desk 4.9.1 - Unrestricted File Upload to XSS webapps Multiple Captain_hook 2021-04-07

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Our Services

External Network Infrastructure Security Testing.
Internal Network Security Testing.
Wireless Security/Intrusion Testing.
Social Engineering Intrusion Testing.
Audit to Servers and Data Centers.
Data Network Audit (LAN, WAN, Wireless, VoIP).
Web Application Penetration Testing.
Mobile Applications Security Audit.
Perimeter Security Audit.
Binary Code Audit.
Compliance Audit PCI-DSS v3.0.
Compliance Audit ISO 27001/27002.
Web Data Mining.
Social Media Data Mining (like LinkedIn).
eCommerce Data Mining (Products & Prices).
SQL Database Mining.
Image Data Mining.
Excel Data Mining.
Financial Data Mining.
Healthcare Data Mining.
Data Mining for Fraud Detection.
Multimedia or Text Data Mining.
Stock Market Data Mining.
Data Mining for Customer Segmentation.
Competitor Growth Analysis and Tracking.
Data Extraction Services.
Meta-data Extraction from Websites.
Analysis, Capturing, and Interpretation of Data.
Market Trend Monitoring.
Service, Product and Brand Feedback Search.

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CyberSecurity Blog

Andrew Gecse

Ethical Hacker - Founder

Andrew is one of the most well-known hackers in Europe, often a one-man army as himself alone completed more security assessments than several IT companies combined. He also has been a presenter of conferences, tutor for universities, and Security Expert of several Fortune 100 companies. His recent projects include banks and government sites in Kuwait.
Andrew is a Certified Ethical Hacker and has been chosen Hacker Hall of Fame.